This example shows how to list the contents of directories in Perl. It also demonstrates how to change directories, create directories, differentiate between files and directories, and use a regular expression to limit the results or search for particular file names or extensions.
Check if Directory Exists
if ( -d "/home/NanoDano/testDir") {
print "Directory exists";
Create Directory
mkdir '/home/NanoDano/tmp';
Change Directory Permissions
chmod(0755, $dirPath);
Change Directory
chdir '/home/NanoDano/perl';
List Contents of Directory
my $directory = '/tmp';
opendir(DIR, $directory);
while (my $filename = readdir(DIR)) {
# Skip unless it is a file
next unless (-f "$directory/$filename");
# Use regex to limit only to .jpg files
next unless($filename =~ m/\.jpg$/);
print "$filename\n";