


Dialog Boxes with Python

Dialog boxes are a commonly used GUI element to provide feedback to the user and also to prompt the user for information or to take an action. Some examples of common dialogs are:

  • A simple message: "Press OK to continue"
  • Ask for "OK or cancel"
  • Ask for "Yes, no or cancel"

We will look at several different methods for creating dialog boxes in Python including cross-platform options like tkinter and PyAutoGUI, as well as a couple Windows specific options.

SSH Tips

The ssh application is essential to just about everyone. Are you using it as efficiently as possible? Check out these tips and config settings that will make your life easier, including aliases, specifying identify files, forwarding ports, and using jump hosts.

Publish Java Packages to Maven Central Repository

You can push your own Java packages to Maven Repository - Central and make it available to everyone. It's a tricky process to set up the first time, but once you get it ready, it is incredibly easy to push updates. This tutorial will walk you through the basics of registering and pushing projects to Maven central using Sonatype's OSSRH (OSS Repository Hosting)

Docker Basics

Docker is useful for containerizing and managing processes. It is a great tool for developers and devops teams. Docker is good for creating reproducible environments. It is easy to customize images and document how an environment should be configured. We will look at how to:

  • Install Docker
  • Manage images, containers, and volumes
  • Create custom images
  • Pushing images to DockerHub and running custom registry
  • and more!

