


Create Script from Bash History

The script program (bsdutils) will output the whole terminal output to a file. This can be helpful for logging and creating scripts out of history.

The approach here is to output the command history to a file and then manipulate the file a bit to get what we want.

history 3 >

This will output the last 3 commands to Note that the actual history command will become the most recent event in history, and will be output in the file. This can be edited out manually or using this command:

Bash Shortcut Keys

Sometimes when working we don't always have a fully featured keyboard. Whether using a small portable bluetooth keyboard, old software, or you just want to be a command line ninja, these shortcuts are very important to know to increase productivity and to work through technical limitations on keyboards.

Useful Linux Bash Shell Aliases

Typing long commands over and over gets old. Use bash aliases to make your life easier and impress your peers. Add these to your .bashrc and/or .bash_profile. Personally I use only one and symlink them together. These are just some examples of how you can use alias. Anytime you find yourself repeating lengthy commands think about creating an alias. Optionally, if it's a long command you are only going to be using for a short period, be sure to use history tools like ! and !? to quickly repeat previous commands.

JavaScript source code highlighter - Prettify

Google Code Prettify is great for turning <code> tags into nicely formatted HTML. I personally appreciate how it displays the line numbers, but they don't get included when you copy+paste. There are many themes available but my favorite is the google code. It treats word wrapping well with line numbers, shows each line number, and is styled nicely. The Drupal module allows you to integrate it easily to Drupal.

Drupal Pretiffy module:

