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Assembly Programming

There are many Assembly compilers out there. nasm is one compiler that is available across platforms and can be used to program x86 processors.

x86 on Linux

Use interrupt 0x80 to make Linux system calls like reading and writing to file descriptors and sockets. For a list of system calls in Linux, refer to

Here is an example of compiling with nasm:

nasm -f elf64 file.asm 
# or for 32-bit
nasm -f elf file.asm

If you need to link against something you can use:

ln -d -o outfile file.o

Here is a Hello World example:

	hello:     db 'Hello world!',10
	helloLen:  equ $-hello
	GLOBAL _start 
	mov eax,4            ; 'write' system call = 4
	mov ebx,2            ; file descriptor 1 = STDOUT
	mov ecx,hello        ; string to write
	mov edx,helloLen     ; length of string to write
	int 80h              ; call the kernel
	; Terminate program
	mov eax,1            ; 'exit' system call
	mov ebx,0            ; exit with error code 0
	int 80h              ; call the kernel

x86 on DOS

Use interrupt 0x21 to make DOS system calls like reading and writing files. For a list of DOS system calls, refer to

x86 on BIOS

When interacting with the BIOS, you use a different system call for each function. BIOS will have less system calls available than an kernel like DOS or Linux, but it gives you the tools you need to build an operating system. For example, BIOS will let you change the video mode, get input from keyboard, write text to screen, and draw pixels on the screen.

For a list of BIOS system calls, refer to

Writing a library

You can write and compile libraries that can be linked against by other programs.

This example shows how to create a function called print_hello() that can be used from other Assembly or C programs.

; Compile this program using
; nasm -f elf64 static_lib.asm 
; gcc myprogram.c static_lib.o
; ./a.out
	hello:     db 'Hello world!',10
	helloLen:  equ $-hello
	GLOBAL print_hello
	mov eax,4            ; 'write' system call = 4
	mov ebx,2            ; file descriptor 1 = STDOUT
	mov ecx,hello        ; string to write
	mov edx,helloLen     ; length of string to write
	int 80h              ; call the kernel
	; Terminate program
	mov eax,1            ; 'exit' system call
	mov ebx,0            ; exit with error code 0
	int 80h              ; call the kernel
programming/assembly/assembly_programming.1616309610.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/03/21 06:53 by nanodano