Table of Contents

Tmux Terminal Multiplexing

Tmux is a terminal multiplexer that lets you have multiple virtual terminals and also split windows and have multiple panes and tabs. Another nice feature is if you are connecting over SSH and using Tmux, Tmux can keep your session going even if you disconnect and re-connect later. An alternative to Tmux is GNU Screen.


In Debian, you can simple use the system package manager to install:

sudo apt install tmux
tmux -V  # Check version

To build from source, download sources from the Tmux GitHub Releases. Building is pretty simple, it has few dependencies and compiles quickly.

# Install buidl dependencies
sudo apt install libevent-dev ncurses-dev build-essential bison pkg-config
tar -zxf tmux-3.1c.tar.gz
cd tmux-3.1c/
# Identify the options you want
./configure --help | less
./tmux -V
sudo make install  # Optional

Basic Usage

To initialize a tmux session, simply invoke tmux.


To get help information and a list of commands, use:

man tmux
tmux --help
tmux list-keys
tmux list-commands
# Within tmux press ''CTRL-b ?''

Enabling mouse

With mouse enabled, you can click between split windows and use the mouse to resize. You can also right click on panes and in the bottom left corner to switch windows and manage processes. It adds a lot of really nice functionality.

You must specify setw -g mouse on in a tmux conf file. For example:

# ~/.tmux.conf

# Enable mouse
set -g mouse on
# Then run tmux as normal
# OR to be explicit
tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf


When you start tmux, you are creating a “session”. You can have multiple sessions and they are identified by a number or a name.

# List active sessions
tmux ls
# Connect to last active session
tmux attach
# Connect to a session by its numeric ID
tmux attach -t 0
# Create a new named session
tmux new -s mysession
# Create a new named session + run vim in detached mode
tmux new -s mysession -d "vim"
# Connect to a session by name
tmux attach -t mysession

Once you are in a session and you want to disconnect,

# Use the shell command
tmux detach
# Or use the keybinds
CTRL-b d

To kill a session, simply exit the shell like normal with exit or CTRL-d, or you can send a tmux command to kill the session.

# End a session by name
tmux kill-session -t myapp


The top level object is a session. A session contains windows, and a window contains panes. Here are commands related to windows. Like most things in tmux, you can use the shell command, or the keybind.

tmux new-window
tmux list-windows
tmux select-window -t 1
tmux rename-window # Renames current window
tmux split-window
tmux split-window -h
tmux swap-pane -\[UDLR\]

Most of these keybinds must be preceeded with the CTRL-b chord.


A pane is the lowest level of hierarchy in screen organizing. The top level is the session, then the session has windows, and a window is made up of panes.

Most of these need to be preceeded by CTRL-b followed by one of the following keybinds:

Send keystrokes to a session

You can use tmux send-keys to send keystrokes to a specific session.

All keys including functions, alt, home, page up, arrow keys, and even mouse actions can all be emulated. Here is a full list of keys from the source code of tmux:

# Send some vim commands to a session
tmux send-keys -t mysession "i" "hello" Enter Escape ":w! test.txt" Enter

Other common tasks

Every command is assumed to begin with the chord, which by default is CTRL-b. Press CTRL-b and then release before pressing the next action key.