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other:music_making [2021/04/13 18:43]
nanodano [SoundFonts]
other:music_making [2022/03/29 00:36] (current)
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 You can find free music and sounds at [[]]. Everything from samples to background music for video games. You can find free music and sounds at [[]]. Everything from samples to background music for video games.
 +===== LMMS =====
 +To get started in LMMS, I recommend creating a bunch of instruments using Nescaline. Then tweak each of them to be different "instruments". This plugin replicates the NES sound system. When you view the controls, there will be 4 channels. These correspond to the 4 channels NES had: 2 square waves, 1 triangle wave, and 1 noise (random). NES also had 1 channel for PCM samples though that's incorporated here.
 +To setup Nescaline to act like an instrument, I recommend unchecking all 4 channels and then only turning on 1 of the first 3. Get sounds you like. For percussion and sweeps, you can use the 4th channel. You can mix and match if you want. Play with the other settings, but the most notable one is the ENV (envelope). This will let you control the attack/sustain/release to make more plucky sounds.
 +Create 2-4 instruments like: percussion, bass, rhythm plucks, lead. Maybe you want to add more like some pads and risers.
 +Create the structure of the song (e.g. AABA, optionally with intro/outro, where A is a verse/pre/chorus and B is bridge)
 +Start filling in lines. You may find a bass line to build around, you might find a melody that you turn into a motif. You can use your keyboard as a midi piano if necessary or use the piano roll. Build up the song layer by layer until you are happy with it. Keep it simple though. I recommend 2-4 instruments and keep the melody, bass, and rhythm SIMPLE. You can always add complexity later when you're more comfortable.
other/music_making.txt ยท Last modified: 2022/03/29 00:36 by nanodano